Contact: Branch 12  
Branch 12 - NZART                                                                     'Serving the Community for 100 years' 

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 HF Net - 3.579 MHz LSB
                1930 Hrs Mondays

 VHF Net - 146.525 MHz simplex
                  2000 Hrs Tuesdays


 2m - 145.325 MHz -600 split

 2m - 146.725 MHz -600 split

 70cm - 438.725 MHz -5 MHz split


 70cm - 439.725 MHz -5 MHz split
        Use DMR phase 2 signal.

Club RoomsABOUT US:

The Hamilton Amateur Radio Club Inc. was formed on 12 March 1923 and became a Branch of NZART in 1932. The first meeting of the Hamilton Amateur Radio Club, as a branch of NZART, was held in the RI's room in the Public Library building on the 13th April 1932, with 23 people present. It included George Anchor ZL1FP, Alan Seacombe ZL1BW and Eric de Lacy ZL1ADM life member and club historian.
Our Club rooms are located at 88 Seddon Road, Hamilton.
We currently have about 35 members who are involved in various aspects of Amateur Radio.
As a Branch of NZART, the Hamilton Amateur Radio Club Inc. supports NZART and encourages all Radio Amateurs to belong to the National Association.


Club General Meetings
are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 19.30 Hrs, generally at the clubrooms. Please see the 'Meetings' page for details of the next meeting. We generally have a speaker, speaking on an aspect of Amateur Radio, followed by a time of fellowship and a cup of coffee together.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on the third Wednesday of March.

The Branch 12page

Branch 12 Market Day

is being held on

Saturday 31 August 2024

at the Gordonton Hall
1024 Gordonton Road (S.H. 1b)

Vendors from 8am, selling commences at 10am.

There is a $2.00 entry fee which
includes a raffle ticket.

Request more information by email to:


There is plenty of parking and a covered entrance to take
equipment in & out.

Don't miss out!

More details HERE.

Ham Radio Daily - your source for daily amateur radio news
Check it out >>>>>

The History of the Car Radio

This is an article that was  shared with us by Dylan and his father. Dylan has been part of a group of 10 - 14 year olds attending a fun radio and broadcasting history class.

How to Solder Metal

We have also had this suggestion from Ethan, a young Scout working towards his Radio Merit Badge. He discovered the article while looking into how to create a crystal radio.

RSGB Facebook page:

The RSGB is delighted to announce the launch of its new Facebook page at

W2LJ's Blog - QRP - Do More For Less

 The USA verses Europe

 Disclaimer - this is meant to be a bit of humour - let's not all get offended.

 . . . . . see more

The latest NZART Official Broadcast can be heard online - click HERE for access.

You can also access the archive of previous broadcasts on the same page.

NZ Repeater location maps and bandplan information can be found HERE.

Š 2024 -